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Everything You Need to Know about Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe. While heat exhaustion is in the middle, this syndrome must be taken seriously.

Heat Exhaustion Causes

According to the Mayo Clinic, your body needs to maintain a normal core temperature around 98.6 F. In hot weather, your body cools itself by sweating. However, when you overexert in hot, humid weather, your body cannot cool itself efficiently.

This syndrome can also be caused by dehydration, alcohol use and overdressing.

Certain factors can increase your sensitivity to heat, including:

  • Young or old age— Infants and children younger than four and adults older than 65 are at higher risk of heat exhaustion.
  • Certain medication—Some medications affect your body’s ability to stay hydrated and respond appropriately to […]
July 17th, 2019|

How to Handle Workers’ Compensation Claims

Despite how successful your Lodge’s risk management program is, Lodge employees can still get injured at your Lodge.

Workers’ Compensation insurance provides coverage for “on-the-job” injuries, including medical expenses and lost wages. This coverage applies regardless of fault and is written to follow individual state laws. Some states require this coverage, while others highly encourage it.

Because workers’ compensation claims are different from case to case, there is often confusion surrounding how to handle a claim.

When to Report an Injury

Report lag, or the number of calendar days between when an injury occurs and when it is reported to the insurance carrier, is a major issue in workers’ compensation claims. Measure your Lodge’s report lag, and make adjustments, if possible.

Generally, the shorter the length of report lag, the better. Timely claim reporting […]

July 17th, 2019|