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Tools and Tips for Better Kitchen Safety

The much-loved Lodge kitchen could pose many hidden risks if your Lodge lacks the proper tools. Unsafe kitchens are more likely to result in serious injuries, which can result in costly claims and litigation.

These risks can be greatly reduced by supplying your Lodge’s kitchen with the right equipment, much of which is affordable and readily available.

Here is a list of tools and tips that can help your Lodge establish better kitchen safety:

1. Fire extinguishers

Make sure your Lodge has at least one Class K fire extinguisher to handle cooktop fires. Unlike common ABC Class extinguishers, these can disperse a wet agent that quickly cools hot metal surfaces and turns burning oil and grease into harmless soap in a process called saponification. It’s easy to clean up and doesn’t contaminate other […]

November 25th, 2019|

Safety Procedure Tips for New Volunteers

Last year, more than 77 million people across the country volunteered in their community, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service. Some of them may have been the very volunteers assisting your members and guests at your Lodge events.

Lodge volunteers play an important role, and it is the Lodge’s responsibility to ensure their safety, especially when they’re new to volunteering. This not only helps reduce the risk to volunteers and others at your location, it also helps ensure that volunteers get the most out their volunteer experience and keep coming back.

Follow these safety training tips for new volunteers:

Document Your Safety Procedures

The best safety plan is the one that is committed to writing. Documentation ensures that all necessary procedures have been accounted for, and that each volunteer […]

November 25th, 2019|