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So far Lockton Affinity, LLC has created 55 blog entries.

5 Misconceptions of Fraternal Organization Insurance

“This policy isn’t really necessary for my organization.”

“The insurer doesn’t understand my Lodge’s needs.”

There are plenty of misconceptions about insurance but with the right insurer, your misconceptions and concerns can be put to rest.

Read on to learn about 5 common misconceptions of fraternal organization insurance and how working with Lockton Affinity, the administrator of the Moose Insurance Program, can help protect your organization, its members and more.

5 Misconceptions of Fraternal Organization Insurance

  1. All insurance is basically the same.

It’s a common misconception that all insurance is basically the same. The thought is that “most types of insurance policies work the same way” or that “all policies of a particular kind offer the same basic […]

October 14th, 2024|

Fire Safety Procedures for Moose Lodges

Each October, organizations like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and others observe Fire Prevention Week and Month by spreading fire safety awareness and helping protect homes, businesses and people. The annual event began in 1911 to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire, a fire that killed approximately 300 people and destroyed over 17,000 structures.

Whether your Lodge partakes in Fire Prevention Week or Month, or works on fire safety procedures year-round, it is important to be aware of fire hazards and have a plan in place. Because as OSHA states, “fire safety becomes everyone’s job”.

Planning Fire Safety Procedures for Moose Lodges

Create an emergency action plan

As an organization, you are obligated to maintain the fire code requirements […]

August 27th, 2024|

Buying, Renewing and Servicing Your Lodge’s Insurance with Lockton Affinity

Whether you’ve had insurance for your Lodge through Lockton Affinity for years or are considering coverage for the first time, we’re here to support you.

Read on to learn about buying insurance for your Lodge and renewing and servicing your Lodge insurance with Lockton Affinity.

Buying Insurance for Your Lodge

With so many insurance options in the marketplace, it can be overwhelming to pick an insurance company to work with and insurance policies to protect your Lodge. It can be beneficial to think about how to select the insurance partner and policies that best fit your needs. Before buying coverage for your Lodge, consider these tips:

Learn about the policies. While insurance may not be the most fun topic to study up on, having basic knowledge of coverage, limits, deductibles and rates can […]

July 3rd, 2024|

Parade Safety Tips for Lodge Members

As summer ramps up, so do city celebrations and parades. If your Lodge participates regularly in these celebrations, ensure everyone is safe and thoughtful with these parade participation safety tips.

10 Parade Safety Tips for Lodges

  1. Plan ahead

Announce the event to all your members, determine a meeting spot, distribute route maps and organize vehicles.

If your members are decorating vehicles or floats, keep hand tool safety in mind.

  1. Consider the physical fitness of your members

How long is the parade route? Is the route mostly flat or is there elevation to factor in?  What will the weather be like?

Encourage members to look out for each other. If the parade route is longer, consider assigning shifts or rotating out […]

May 3rd, 2024|

Maintaining Your Lodge’s Property

All property is important to upkeep and maintain, and the same is true of any property your Lodge owns.

Maintaining property and prioritizing safety improvements not only adds to your property value, but it also keeps your members and guests safe and comfortable.

Read on for a compilation of our most helpful property maintenance blogs.

Maintaining Your Lodge’s Property Indoors

  • Preparing for a power outage – Whether your Lodge loses power for one day or one week, it is important to prepare your Lodge for a power outage. Whether caused by ice, snow or thunderstorms, a power outage may cause food spoilage, prevent the use of medical devices and disrupt water and communications.
  • Improving safety signage – Facilities that have clear and […]
February 27th, 2024|

Lodge Member Wellness — Helping Your Members Mentally, Physically and Emotionally

While it’s no secret that Lodges help members make lasting connections and feel part of the community, your organization can likely do even more to help Lodge member wellness mentally, physically and emotionally.

Read on for specific events and ideas your organization can implement to help Lodge members’ mental, physical and emotional health.


Lodge Member Wellness — Mental and Emotional Support

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression among older adults have increased significantly. These increases are exacerbated due to the lack of Medicare providers and needed services.

While older Americans have traditionally had lower rates of depression and anxiety than younger citizens, there are many events that can impact the mental and emotional well-being of your members, including:

  • Healthcare costs
  • Widowhood
  • Chronic illnesses and diagnoses
  • […]

January 5th, 2024|

Safety Improvements for Lodge Property

Homes, vehicles, rentals and more—All property is important to upkeep and maintain, and the same is true of any property your Lodge owns.

Maintaining property and prioritizing safety improvements not only adds to your property value, but it also keeps your members and guests safe and comfortable.

Read on for tips to maintain and improve your Lodge property.

Self-Inspect for Maintenance and Safety Improvements for Lodge Property

It can be beneficial to implement routine self-inspections to catch a hazard before a true safety issue arises.

Gather a group of members of different ages and abilities to examine the property for hazards ranging from loose floor tiles to cracked windows to overhanging tree limbs. Document all found hazards or potential hazards and develop plan for addressing each hazard.

September 6th, 2023|

Common Insurance Claims Lodges Face

These common claims against fraternal organizations can greatly impact your operations, so it is important to be prepared. Read on to learn about common claim examples and how you can prevent them at your organization.

Common Insurance Claims at Fraternal Organizations

The most common claims fraternal organizations face are due to property damage and third-party injuries.

Property claims go hand in hand with a brick and mortar. Whether your organization’s property is damaged by fire, wind, hail, theft or vandalism, there is always the chance of some damage occurring. This damage can also impact the contents of your buildings, including your equipment, furnishings, computers, inventory and supplies. Fire, theft and other disasters affecting your space are not only often costly to fix, but they could also impact your ability to operate your […]

June 28th, 2023|

Implementing a Severe Weather Plan for Moose Lodges

Whatever part of the country your organization is in, severe weather can impact your operations. Consider these statistics on severe weather from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

  • About 1,200 tornadoes hit the U.S. each year.
  • 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year in the U.S. and 10% reach severe levels.
  • Damaging winds are classified as those exceeding 50-60 mph.
  • In the U.S., floods kill more people each year than tornadoes, hurricanes or lightning.

Because severe weather can happen anywhere throughout the year, it is important to take the time to create a plan for any extreme weather that might come your way. Here are seven steps you can take to help implement a severe weather plan for Moose Lodges.

Building a Severe Weather Plan for Moose Lodges

Preparing for severe weather takes […]

March 29th, 2023|

Frequently Asked Questions about Lodge Insurance

Whether you have been managing your organization’s insurance for months or years, insurance policies can change, your Lodge may evolve and questions can arise.

Browse some of our recent frequently asked questions about Lodge insurance to stay up-to-date on all things Lodge insurance.


Frequently Asked Questions about Lodge Insurance

To get a clearer understanding of your organization’s insurance, browse these frequently asked questions about Lodge Insurance.


Our organization is a non-profit, why do we pay taxes on the insurance premium?

Unfortunately, the standard non-profit tax exemptions do not apply to insurance transactions. There are no tax exemptions for any insurance policyholders.


How does this policy cover our members?

Members are covered as insureds for the activities that they perform or engage in on behalf of your organization. For example, if a guest is injured and they […]

March 14th, 2023|