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Your Guide to Working with Vendors

Working with vendors can be extremely beneficial to your Lodge. Specialized vendors that handle your Lodge’s food and beverage, alcohol, cleaning or technical needs can be a big help, boosting efficiency while saving on costs.

But working with vendors also presents some challenges. Partnering with a vendor can expose your Lodge to added risk, so it’s important to minimize the chance of potential problems.

The right level of insurance protection helps protect both you and your vendors, making sure you both are covered in the event of a claim. Here’s your guide to working with vendors and how to check your insurance coverages for a successful partnership.

What to Look for in a Vendor

Always work with vendors that are properly insured. Expertise, recommendations and performance are important but claims can happen even […]

November 25th, 2020|

How to Handle Complaints at the Lodge

Things often get busy at the Lodge, making it easy to overlook when a member, volunteer or guest brings up a complaint. Mistakes and misunderstandings happen every day, even when your Lodge is led by passionate, hard-working people.

While we all would like to minimize our mistakes, how you handle these difficulties is often more important.

A complaint represents a risk to your organization. Complaints that are brushed off or handled poorly can result in an unnecessary claim being made, which can cause stress, endanger budgets and lead to negative publicity.

It’s important for you to be aware of the kinds of complaints you may face and understand the best practices for managing a complaint. Here’s what to know, plus 4 tips to handle complaints at the Lodge.

Lodge Complaint Scenarios

Your organization is […]

November 4th, 2020|