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Snow Shoveling Safety Tips

Like everyone, many Lodges spend the winter digging out from snow storms. Shoveling snow can provide an opportunity for exercise, help out less-able community members, and build camaraderie among the members. All the same, snow removal can also be risky for members, volunteers and your organization.

Shoveling snow yourself can pose health risks and hiring snow removers comes with added risks to your Lodge. The next time it snows, make sure to follow these snow shoveling safety tips to minimize your risk of a claim.

Snow Shoveling Risks

It’s important to remember that snow is heavy — a fact that’s easy to forget after a nice long summer. Just one inch of snow weighs between 0.3 to 4.8 pounds per square foot, depending on how wet and […]

January 4th, 2022|

Holiday Decorating Safety Tips

With the holiday season in full swing, many Lodges are ready to decorate. Help make sure your holidays are jolly and bright by remembering these holiday decorating safety tips. Whether your Lodge decorates a small Charlie Brown tree or goes full Chevy Chase, keep your Lodge’s property and members safe with these tips:

Indoor Holiday Decorating Safety Tips

  • Remember when shopping for live trees that it’s important to check for freshness, as a fresh tree will last longer and be less of a fire hazard.
  • Know how to choose a fresh tree. Look for green color, needles that are hard to pluck and bend instead of break, and trunks with sticky resin at the base.
  • Test a tree for a freshness with a gentle shake or tap. A fresh tree […]
December 6th, 2021|

The Step-by-Step Process of Purchasing Insurance from Lockton Affinity

One of the things that can make shopping for insurance for your Lodge so hard is not knowing what to expect. You hope that whatever company you choose will be easy to work with and offer the tailored coverage that you need, but it’s not always guaranteed.

At Lockton Affinity, we aim to provide you with best-in-class service for insurance solutions that meet the requirements of your organization. Helping you understand the inner workings of the process of purchasing insurance from Lockton Affinity is a part of that promise of service.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the insurance buying process so you know what to expect. While purchasing insurance from Lockton Affinity provides customized coverage unique to your  Lodge, all insurance purchases take a similar journey, moving from shopping […]

November 11th, 2021|

What to Know About Workers’ Compensation and Volunteer Accident Insurance

Even with the best training and safety precautions, it’s still a possibility that one day one of your workers or volunteers could be hurt in an accident. Even a minor injury could result in a major medical bill, that in turn could lead to a lawsuit for your Lodge. Employees and volunteers are at the heart of your Lodge, so it’s important that you protect them while also protecting your organization.

Different insurance coverage responds depending on the type of claim. While your Lodge likely has Workers’ Compensation coverage if you have employees, it’s important to know this coverage isn’t for volunteers, who are best protected by Volunteer Accident Insurance. Understanding the difference in these two types of coverage is crucial to ensure all your people are protected.

Here’s what to […]

October 6th, 2021|

A Brief History of Insurance

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a very old saying and, in many ways, it’s still the basis for the modern insurance that helps protect your Lodge. Insurance began with people seeking to control the dangers they faced by spreading out the risk among larger groups of people and making agreements to help one another in the case of a loss.

It’s an interesting story how this practice got its start and how it led to the products and services today that help Lodges protect their organizations. Here’s a brief history of insurance.

Ancient Insurance

The problems that insurance is designed to address have been around for a really long time. Seafaring in the ancient world was a notoriously dangerous task for traders, from Ancient Babylon all the way […]

September 9th, 2021|

All-Weather Grill Safety for Lodges

Outdoor grilling is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing parts of summer but getting everyone together for a cookout at the Lodge is great anytime the weather’s nice. In milder climates, you can safely cook outdoors well into fall or even all year long. If the weather does turn cold, you’ll want to make sure your grill is safely stored so it’s ready the next time you use it.

Grill safety for Lodges is important all year round. Annually, nearly 20,000 emergency room visits and 9,000 fire department calls are the result of grills, according to NFPA. The risk of accidents, injuries and property damage don’t go away when the weather turns cold, so it’s important to follow the proper precautions whether your grill is on […]

July 27th, 2021|

7 Must-Do Events for Your Lodge This Summer

Summer is just a short few months for Lodges to hold events outdoors when the weather is nice and families and kids are looking for something fun to do.

Options are nearly endless, but a few fun ideas are so popular that many organizations consider them a must-do. These are the events your members and guests are guaranteed to love. If you’re still looking for summer activities, here are 7 must-do summer events for your Lodge, plus important information about how to make sure the event is safe for your organization.

Summer Cookouts

Everyone loves a cookout. Grilling outdoors with tasty meats and veggies is a summer favorite, and not much is required to get started. A parking lot or grassy area outside the Lodge will do. Cookout fundraisers can be incorporated, […]

July 9th, 2021|

A Guide to Safely Opening Your Organization

Everyone is ready to get back to normal, and many places already have resumed regular activities. But with the downtime and changes that have happened over the past year, some organizations need to review and update their procedures. If your Lodge is one of them, these action items may help you take care of the safety of members, guests and volunteers.

This guide to safely opening your organization focuses on 3 areas that may need your attention: people, policies and procedures.

Safely Opening Your Organization: People

Your employees, volunteers and members are what make your Lodge what it is. But some of them may have had their own changes over the last year. Some of them may also be feeling unfamiliar with how you do things because they’re new, or simply because […]

June 16th, 2021|

Fireworks Safety and Liability

Summer fireworks events are a lot of fun but can be dangerous. The potential for injury is high, and organizations like your Lodge can face liability if a member, guest or volunteer is injured, or if property is damaged. Before you decide to include fireworks at your next event, make sure you’re prepared to have a safe, properly permitted and insured event.

What You Should Know About Fireworks Events

Fireworks events are a common sight every summer. Fourth of July celebrations, picnics, festivals, weddings and other outdoor events can all feature fireworks displays or shows. Some organizations also host fireworks sales as a fundraising activity. Many of these events go off successfully and a happy crowd goes home without injuries or damages.

However, fireworks events do present […]

May 21st, 2021|

Top 10 Safety Risks of Outdoor Events

As the weather gets nicer, many Lodges will plan outdoor events for members and guests. Everyone enjoys spending time outside, participating in a parade, having a picnic or just enjoying the great outdoors. But for event attendees to enjoy a safe outing, organizers need to spend some time thinking about what might go wrong.

Every event faces safety risks and outdoor events are no different. Here are the top 10 safety risks of outdoor events to prepare for before your next event.

Top 10 Safety Risks of Outdoor Events

1. Food Safety

Most outdoor events don’t feel complete without a picnic, but food safety should be top of mind. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Separate uncooked meat from other food and cook thoroughly to recommended temperatures. Keep dishes out of […]

April 23rd, 2021|