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Hire Landscaping Professionals or Use Volunteers?

Like many, your Lodge might considering whether or not to hire landscaping professionals or to use volunteers. With volunteers, you could save on budget while engaging the local community. But yardwork, gardening, mowing, tree-trimming, landscaping and horticultural labor does carry the risk of injury, so it’s important to manage the risk.

Risks that Exist

The landscaping and horticultural services provided by professionals is wide-ranging. From simple mowing and mulching, to tree trimming, line clearance, irrigation, planting, architectural design and heavy construction, the services are vast. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the professional industry reports about 13,025 injuries per year. Many injuries are minor such as sprains or strains, but the potential for serious injury exists. Hazards include power tools and machinery, overhead electrical lines, heavy loads, falling objects, slips […]

February 25th, 2020|

Special Event Preparation

Renting out Lodge facilities and property for a special event is a great way to earn money for the Lodge and help serve the local community, but it is not without risk. Property damage, personal injuries and other claims can arise. Prepare your Lodge for special events with these tips:

Have a Risk Management Plan

Safety is best ensured and problems are best avoided by having a risk management plan before you begin hosting events. You can greatly reduce the risk of a claim by:

  • Identifying any potential hazard risks for your event.
  • Assessing the severity of the risk and the potential impact.
  • Controlling the risk exposure by taking appropriate precautions.

Prepare for Inclement Weather

Weather is always a factor in any event planning. Whether the event must be cancelled or postponed, or […]

February 6th, 2020|