Examine Your Lodge’s Folding Chairs to Prevent Collapse
A surprising number of claims come from an unexpected source: metal folding chairs. Collapsing chairs are dangerous and often collapse during normal use. Many injuries can occur from a chair collapse, including:
- Heavy bruising
- Smashed fingers
- Broken arms and wrists
- Fractured pelvises
- Severe lacerations
- Concussions
Injuries associated with deteriorating folding chairs may require corrective surgeries, hospitalization and significant recovery times. They are extremely expensive to both the injured and your Lodge, as medical expenses alone can easily top tens of thousands of dollars.
Evaluate Folding Chairs to Prevent Collapse
To avoid an injury and costly claim, perform a thorough and in-depth safety review of all chairs—whether they are folding or standard design. Questions to ask when determining if a chair should be retired:
- When was the chair purchased? If it’s over 10 […]